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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Over 3,000 citizens make their voices heard

Published in Blog on May 06, 2021 by Lisa S Jolley

On Tuesday, April 27, over 3,000 Connecticut parents and other patriots descended upon the State Legislature as their representatives debated and voted on HB 6423, which eliminated the religious exemption for childhood vaccinations. The peaceful crowd arrived bearing handmade signs, with children ranging in age from infants to teenagers. 

Convention of States volunteer Bill Giuffredo supported the effort, educating attendees about our grassroots organization and our goals to reign in Federal spending, restore power to the states and impose term limits on members of Congress. In urging people to sign the petition, Bill explained that over 12,000 Connecticut citizens have already done so, letting our legislators know we want our State involved in this national movement.

By a vote of 22 - 14, our representatives removed the rights of parents to decide whether or not to vaccinate their children in both public and private schools. The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees its citizens free exercise of their religious beliefs. This new law directly contradicts a foundational right of the people. A lawsuit is expected to be filed.

CT Rally

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