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Convention of States!


Outdated Covid Rules Continue to Hamper Businesses

Published in Blog on April 22, 2022 by Donald Riach

A few of us meet occasionally for lunch at different restaurants in and around our small town here in southwest Michigan. Shortly after settling in for lunch yesterday, the owner stopped at our table to announce the restaurant was closing immediately. One of the employees had just called in to report testing positive for Covid. 

The owner explained the CDC inspired Covid response regulations required the restaurant to close immediately. All employees had to be tested for Covid and the facility would have to undergo a “deep cleaning” before reopening. These outdated regulations would result in at least two or three days of lost business plus considerable largely unnecessary cleaning costs. 

The first cases of Covid in this country occurred more than two years ago. Since then readily available vaccines and boosters plus a range of therapeutics have drastically reduced the severity of Covid thus rendering these damaging regulations superfluous. 

Yet these stringent regulations remain in place.

We suffer daily bombardments from congress of proposed federal government spending extravaganzas plus threats of legislation that would “transform” our government and our society into oblivion. While truly distressing, congress has made little progress, yet. 

However, the ongoing insidious accumulation of outdated and questionable government regulations across all federal agencies has been occurring for decades and could soon bring this country to its knees. The politicians and bureaucrats aren’t going to change this. They enjoy the sense of power provided them by this regulatory arsenal.

There is a way to change this. Our Founding Fathers foresaw this very condition would occur one day and gave us a solution in Article V of the Constitution, the ability to call a Convention of States (COS). Constitutional amendments curbing the powers of the federal government, restraining federal spending and even placing term limits on congress and appointed government bureaucrats can be made through this COS process. It is a powerful and legal tool to return power from Planet Washington back to the States and to the People where it belongs.

It’s an exciting process and everyone can get involved. See for yourself at COS Website  and sign the COS petition.

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