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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Our Job is Clear: Get Active

Published in Blog on April 11, 2021 by Frank D D Lovell

Well, we have a President and members of Congress in violation of their sworn oaths to uphold the Constitution and laws of the United States.

It also seems our country is being run through Executive Orders rather than the legislative process. To compound this, totally false official statements are being peddled to the American public.

Well, this is America, and litigation abounds. We can sue for violations of the law. However, it's complex, time-consuming, and expensive. We have no control over the process, and it requires a constitutional judge. Do we have patriot lawyers out there?

Ultimately, we have the option our Founders left for us to fight a tyrannical government: Article V and Convention of States.

There are two ways to propose amendments to the Constitution. Either Congress can propose amendments for the states to ratify, or the states can call a convention to propose amendments and send them back to the individual states for ratification.

Since Congress is unwilling to make necessary changes, we must pursue the second option where the states are in control of the process. The convention would be limited to reforms in three areas: 1. limit the size, scope, and jurisdiction of the federal government, 2. impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, and 3. create term limits for government officials.

The convention must stick to proposing amendments in those three areas. Any proposed amendments outside of those topics would be void.

Some patriots are concerned that socialists could hijack the convention and propose amendments that could push their radical agenda on Americans. It is very unlikely that this could happen. Each state must pass the same application limiting the convention to discussing only those three topics, which sets the agenda.

Each state gets to send commissioners to the convention, and those delegates would be given a commission by their state legislatures. If they violated their commission, they could be called back by their states for official reprimand. Some have even made it a felony for their commissioners to propose an amendment outside the scope of the convention application.

It is also unlikely that 38 states would ratify a radical amendment. The high bar for ratification is the ultimate safeguard for protecting the process.

For this to be successful it takes the unified votes of 38 states. This is where all the patriots get busy. So, you see why it is critical for patriots to get organized. 

We need to take control of the federal government, or you can count on them taking control of us. It's already happening. As you read this, the President is working on Executive Orders to restrict and ultimately do away with our Second Amendment.

We are the majority, and the goal is reachable. Communicate with your family and friends, share information, and ask them to do the same. 

Frank D. Lovell is an American patriots and the Florida State Content Writer for Convention of States Florida. 

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