In an act of resistance to government overreach, the City of Oroville declared itself a “constitutional republic” and refuses to enforce “any executive orders issued by the state of California or by the United States federal government that are overreaching or clearly violate our constitutionally protected rights.
The courageous Mayor and City Council of Oroville struck a blow for freedom not seen in this country since the War of Independence. The proud city government sets a solid gold standard for governance which needs emulation by other cities, towns, and villages across California and the nation. I foresee a solid golden wave of resistance to state and federal government overreach to follow their brilliant Patriot Act.
The spirit of Oroville is in lockstep with the spirit and letter of Article V of the Constitution and the Convention of States mission and goals.
The drive of freedom clearly matches both.
Oroville Mayor, Chuck Reynolds
“With all of these emergencies and leaders declaring emergencies it puts one person in charge and they can do pretty much what they want even when the emergency is no longer an immediate threat, they were they are reluctant to give up that power,” said Mayor Chuck Reynolds.
“We stand by and believe in our constitution; our republic and we believe that many times others in state and federal government are exceeding their authority across the board in everything we do. Mandates eliminate personal right of choice – to get vaccinated or not, to vaccinate your kids or not — and violate basic constitutional choice we all have,” Councilor Dave Pittman said.
“It’s about local government taking care of its citizens period and that what we’re doing,” said Pittman.
Other counties and cities and towns are taking notice of Oroville’s action.
Citizens as far away as Seattle have commented favorably on the steps taken by Mayor Reynolds and the City Council. Will this action get traction in the mainstream? What patriotic actions will be taken other mayors and councils in other cities and towns? Let us hope this will spread like California wildfires and reduce to bitter ashes the gross overreach of the governor’s executive actions.
Oroville City Council
Legislators in Sacramento, Congresspersons in Washington, please take note. Article V of the Constitution and the Convention of States is gaining momentum. The word travels fast. Righteousness and Patriots are in flood. Signatures on the Petitions for the Convention of States increase daily. Volunteers for action are stepping forward.
There is always room for more signatures and for more volunteers. Join the forces and move together. We need you. We need you now.