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Orlando tapes "scrubbed" for radical Islam, and what that reveals about the federal government

Published in Blog on July 17, 2017 by Convention Of States Project

In Washington, D.C., politics trump truth -- every time.

President Obama has been repeatedly criticized for his refusal to use the term “radical Islam” in connection with recent terrorists attacks, despite the fact that the attacks were clearly motivated by Islamism. Now, instead of giving the American people a more accurate version of events, his Justice Department is doubling down on rewriting history.

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced over the weekend that every reference to radical Islam and ISIS will be scrubbed from the 911 calls made by the Orlando gunman, erasing forever the true motivations behind the most deadly mass shooting in American history.

The sentiment from D.C. is clear -- “The federal government knows best, and the American people can’t be trusted with the truth.” It’s time to remind the feds of their place in the American system of government. They are the servants of the people, not the parents. Their job is to carry out the will of We the People, not sanitize the truth and manipulate their constituents.

An Article V Convention of States is the best way to bring about this change. A Convention of States can propose constitutional amendments that restore the limited role of the federal government in society, returning the states and the people to their rightful place as the centers of American power.


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