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Open the curtains: Victory for Convention of States volunteers in North Carolina House Rules Committee

Published in Blog on April 23, 2021 by Mona Kita

The bright, spring green lawn of Halifax Mall formed the perfect backdrop for the brilliant red, white, and blue flags boldly proclaiming love of country and state.

They came from all over the state, from Manteo and Murphy to Jacksonville and Jefferson City. There were homeschooled children coming as part of their civics class, war veterans of conflicts ranging from World War II to Afghanistan, citizens whose ancestors came on the Mayflower, and those who escaped from communist dictators in the last decade. 

The crowd of several hundred shared a common love for this country and a hope that the current slide into government overreach might still be corrected. A sense that We the People have been too complacent for too long, willing to allow government to happen behind the curtain.

Convention of States is that last opportunity for the citizens of the United States to divert from the headlong rush that is leading, precipitously, to a very dark future. 

John Moore opened the crowd in prayer, a heartfelt appeal for God to once more bless this country. The Pledge of Allegiance and the Star Spangled Banner--sung by Tara Shantanu and Dom Sweeney--was followed by several powerful speakers, each telling their story of why COS is important to them.

Rep. Dennis Riddell boldly proclaimed his heartfelt support for COS, and Mark Meckler followed up with the importance of free will and bringing God back into our nation. The last speaker of the day was Evan Didio, a young man who blazed with passion for God and country.  

Before noon, the committee room filled up, and the overflow crowd was left out in the antechamber, just a curtained window separating the many COS supporters from the action. One man asked the sergeant at arms to open the curtains and was told it was at the discretion of the legislators.

Ten minutes later the curtains were parted, and the committee members seemed startled to see such a large gathering of supporters, just outside.

In the current political system, citizens are usually on the outside looking in. They gathered closely around cell phones, listening to the live stream of the meeting, just a little bit behind the activity seen through the window.

A loud cheer erupted as the group inside signaled to the group outside that the vote had passed, but was quickly silenced in respect for this distinguished setting. But the hope of being one step closer to the goal was written on every face.

Many who attended the April 21 rally had never been to the Capitol grounds and had never been politically involved, but the feeling from the group was that they no longer accept being kept away from the process. We the People have awakened. 

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