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Convention of States!


On Sunny Lane--I was wondering

Published in Blog on August 15, 2023 by Dorothy Knight SCW

I've been wondering about something lately.

According to expert calculations, Jesus came to earth 2000+ years ago. He caused a lot of trouble for all of the ruling classes of the Middle East at that time. The Romans and the Jews, alike, felt threatened by the influence He was having among free-thinking people.

He was just trying to be a nice guy and help people find a better way of life, by focusing on love for God and each other.

As far as I know, He didn't put up posters announcing when He would be preaching next. He probably didn't send out a town crier either, alerting people to the next event, announcing the next miracle. He just popped up out of nowhere and did His thing.

It appears to me that the primary way people knew about Jesus was by friends and neighbors spreading the word. And some people just followed Him wherever He went.

Well, we know all of that. We've read and heard all about it.

I've been wondering this: What if Jesus hadn't come to earth 2,000+ years ago? Suppose He waited until now to leave heaven and bring hope to a world of chaos?

Would anyone believe Him when He said He is the Son of God? People didn't believe Him when He came centuries ago.

Would religious and political leaders feel threatened by the following He would generate?

Some people did believe in Jesus's message and miracles. Would that happen now?

In today's world, messages can be spread at lightning speed on social media. What would the message be?

Would it be that He is another one of those kooks proclaiming to be the Messiah? Would it be that He is another one of those kings or presidents promising salvation if they would just pledge their loyalty to them?

Or would the message be that this is the One we have been waiting for?

There has been chaos and misery from time immemorial. People have always been looking for some relief from their pain and sorrow. People have believed that times and conditions have warranted Jesus's return ever since He left. In the meantime, we are His hands and feet and heart. As citizens, we can do our part to improve life in the United States, by becoming active in the Convention of States. Action. This group hopes to introduce amendments to the U.S. Constitution that would limit the size and scope of the federal government; institute term limits for elected officials and unelected; bureaucrats and demand fiscal responsibility. To learn more, visit and sign the petition.

Jesus did say, in scripture, that He would be back. I hope we will recognize Him when He does.  

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