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New Bill in Oklahoma Senate

Published in Blog on April 05, 2023 by Lauren Moye

Below we have outlined a bill that our team has been tracking that remains under consideration by the legislature. If you are interested in contacting your Senator about this these piece of legislation, you can find your Senator's contact information here

On Wednesday, March 29, the Oklahoma legislature heard the third reading of Senate Bill 1056. It has been recommended to the Judiciary Committee. That means there is still time for you, as a self-governing citizen of the state of Oklahoma, to contact your legislator about legislation that matters to you. However, if this is you'd like to weigh in on this issue, you'll need to contact your Senator by April 14th. 

SB 1056 Obscene material; defining certain term; requiring certain exception. This bill defines what constitutes obscene materials including child pornography, descriptions of sexual activity in literature and media, and other definitions. Click the link to read the full bill from Oklahoma State Legislature's website.

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