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Convention of States!


Oklahoma Regional Meeting 2021

Published in Blog on June 30, 2021 by Susie McCleskey

State Director John Guinn welcomed a dedicated group of state officers and volunteers to COS Oklahoma's annual regional meeting on June 5th in Norman.

John’s first priority is to build relationships with our legislators. He led the group in a how-to session, touching on the importance of visiting the Capitol, calling legislators, and penning handwritten letters.

He emphasized that a successful meeting requires preparation, being armed with information, and making the visit informational rather than confrontational. Some helpful suggestions were to offer support for sponsored legislation, to make yourself available to answer questions, to try to build relationships, and to do your research before going in.

COS University is a great resource for learning how to respond to opposition. The website is an excellent tool to see what the legislature is doing.

One goal for next legislative session is to plan days at the Capitol for volunteers to get oriented and acquainted with the various areas of the building including legislators’ offices, the galleries and the rotunda.

Legislative Liaison Kevin Tutty did a presentation on navigating the Legislative Management System (LMS) and how to share information about COS with all “untouched” or new legislators. The COS app on your phone is the easiest way to update information about a legislator.

Regional Captain Darrell Branning discussed our mission to develop one hundred citizen activists in each house district. By supporting one-another and committing to monthly meetings, everyone agreed this can be accomplished.

The meeting was adjourned after many shared their personal stories of how they became involved with COS and what they see happening in Oklahoma.

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