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Convention of States!


COS Oklahoma team faces busy weeks ahead

Published in Blog on March 06, 2020 by Susie McCleskey

The Convention of States Oklahoma team has a busy few weeks ahead of them.

The Oklahoma Senate just passed SJR41 (soon to be amended as The United States Senator Tom Coburn Resolution of 2020) by a vote of 36-11. The bill must pass in the House Rules Committee and then the full House before it can go to the full Senate for a final vote.

COS Oklahoma leadership and volunteers will be contacting House Rules Committee members in the next couple of weeks to identify supporters and those who oppose the measure.

We would like to encourage all volunteers in the OKC area to join us at the capitol on Tuesday, March 10, and/or Friday, March 13, at 8:30 a.m. We will visit the representatives to educate them, encourage them to join us in our effort to have an Article V Convention of States, and to vote yes on the US Senator Tom Coburn Resolution of 2020. 

If you haven’t gotten involved yet, now is the time to join us!

For more information, contact State Director John Guinn.

Click here to get involved!
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