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to call for a

Convention of States!


Of Memos and Men

Published in Blog on February 05, 2018 by Brett Sterley

Last week, the House Intelligence Committee released a memo concerning the FISA Court warrant to surveil members of the Trump campaign.

I am not going to comment on the findings, veracity or implications of the memo here. However, the reaction to the memo's release is instructive. 

These reactions prove, yet again, the Framers were correct. It is inherent in human nature that people will act to protect their power, authority and social standing when threatened.

The power structures that benefit from centralized government are behaving exactly the way The Framers predicted. This prediction was based upon an understanding of human history and the Enlightenment.

In an effort to address this, the Framers devised a governmental system so cumbersome and inefficient, it would be diffficult for a person or group to control it. Our Founding Fathers declared governmental authority resides in the people.

The people delegate authority to their state which, delegates authority to the federal goverment. Governmental authority was dispersed throughout society. This dispersion has been breached. D.C. will fight any efforts to restrain its power and growth. 

The Article V Convention of States process is the tool the Framers provided to check federal overreach. It is the solution that is as big as the problem.

The growth and success of the Convention of States is a threat to the D.C. power structure. It's a threat because, it is led by We The People, the people the Creator endowed with inalienable rights. The people who hold the governing authority for our republic. 

We will continue to see pushback and that will only increase as we move toward the first Article V convention. Be not afraid.

We must be bold. We must be steadfast. We must persevere. We will prevail.  

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