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to call for a

Convention of States!


Now You Know the Truth: A Globalist Take-Over of America

Published in Uncategorized on November 22, 2021 by Ruth Hoskins

One year ago, I was one of those people who wanted others to take care of the politics in this country. Politics was boring to me. Besides, I believed I could meditate and pray my way to peace. Now, I am the new Convention of States Grassroots Coordinator for SE Pennsylvania. I wake up everyday and think about America and how I can fight for freedom.

Every day!

And every day I continue to pray for peace and freedom.

I talk out loud to God and remind God that America is a great country and that freedom is everything (I know he doesn't need these reminders from me, but my prayers and talking to Him brings me connection and peace, and heals my heart.) 

My day starts with prayer and meditation; both practices help me manage my stress and lower my intense frustration and fear that we are losing America, bending a knee to the globalist takeover not only of America but the world. (FYI: One year ago, I knew nothing about the Globalist take-over, the Marxist agenda, or how deep the deep state and government corruption was in America. On Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020, my eyes were opened and I woke-up.)

I might add, it has been a long year of awakening, and one of the most interesting times of my life. This year, slogging my way through frustration depression and fear, longing for something to stop the downhill spiral of our government, longing for people to wake-up and see the truth and come out of denial (I am a psychotherapist. I know that denial is a big thing for people.) I learned I must focus on learning what made our country great, and be strong for the ongoing fight for freedom.

Soon, I was guided to Convention of States. 

That was April 2021, five months after the 2020 election when I was shocked into awakening. As I perused the COS website, signed the petition, took action on the Take Action menu bar, I decided to be a district captain. It was something I knew I could do, but something I knew nothing about.

A few months later in October 2021, the volunteer position for Grassroots Coordinator SE Pennsylvania opened and I signed up. This time, with more understanding of what might be expected in the fight to save our country, I was prepared to take on more responsibility.

Convention of States provides a lot of support; videos, trainings, ongoing weekly calls and so much more for people looking for a place to engage with like-minded people who want to become strong citizen activists to take back our country. There are many volunteer positions to suit skill level, time, and desire to serve.

Convention of States is the most welcoming organization to volunteer for, kind and supportive filled with opportunities for learning, networking with others, building relationships and friendships. Convention of States has a spiritual side which I did not know when I signed up to volunteer. At different times, I heard people talk about God, which I love to hear, as ultimately all outcomes are in God's hand.

The fate of America and freedom for this country and the world is in God's hands. That by no means implies being passive. In fact the opposite. 
We are God's working hands. God's spiritual warriors.

We must fight for freedom, as truth, freedom, and the freedom to express one's spiritual beliefs are intertwined, as are all of our God given unalienable rights.

We hold these truths to be self-evident!

For me, it is extremely important to have an outlet for my energy on a daily basis. To this end, everyday I open the computer, log on to and go to work. It is fun. I have met many people, patriots who love America and understand the dire straits America is in. People who are willing to fight back against the bullying, censorship, and loss of freedom, a daily occurrence as our government aligns with the mentality of China's Communist Party, (CCP) turning a blind eye to human right's violations in China and around the world, condoning censorship by not condemning it, and holding people political prisoners.

Imagine political prisoners in America!

This is not my America. It is not the America I was raised in and love. But I will hold the vision of a free America that I grew up in along side of fighting for our Constitution and Bill of Rights. 

What other country has a set of documents like this to keep us free?

We have the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights. We have Article V, that says, "On the Application of two-thirds of the Legislatures of the several states (Congress) shall call an Article V Convention for proposing amendments." Convention of States has taught me about Article V. Convention of States has taught me that freedom is not free and that it must be fought for. Convention of States proposes three amendments to call an Article V Convention.

1-Fiscal responsibility

2-Term Limits for people in office

3-Reining in Federal overreach

We need and we will have an Article V Convention of States.

Convention of States empowers people to stand up and fight for America. Convention of States is the largest grassroots army of citizens willing to learn about the greatness that is America, and that freedom is not free. It must be fought for by using the Constitution to change the Constitution calling for an Article V Convention.

At Convention of States we are currently in a great position to call an Article V Convention. The reason is that America is in crisis and crisis creates urgency. We all know what the crises and urgencies are in America. We could talk about them all day long; border crisis, illegal immigration crisis; mandate crisis, vaccine passport crisis, Critical Race Theory crisis, the Marxist agenda crisis, Big Pharma the fourth branch of government crisis. The corruption crisis in all branches of government. The attack on freedom of speech, the press, religion, the right to assemble and bear arms. The list goes on. 

Now is the time to take action and Convention of States does indeed have the answer to the huge problems we are facing today in our country and around the world. 

Click on and sign the petition and sign up to volunteer. Convention of States is the largest Article V grassroots organization in the United States with over five million supporters and over two million petition signers. Become a petition signer and a volunteer. I guarantee you that you will be happy that you did. You will have found a home to fight for freedom, no greater cause.

Click here to get involved!
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