Our original plan to enter at the front entrance of the capital must be changed to entering at either the East Wing off of California Avenue or the West Wing off of Greenbrier Street. The exterior of both entrances will be labeled as "Entrance" and will be met with security and metal detectors. Please click link for overview of WV Capitol complex:
Overview of WV Capitol complex
Once inside, we will meet in the rotunda. If needed, please ask security for directions.
As always, please be gracious and polite with all whom you interact with during our visit at the capital and with our legislators. We represent a cause much bigger than ourselves and in no way want to hinder our efforts.
Thank you for your commitment to helping save our republic and being willing to meet our state legislators at the WV Capital Sunday, Nov. 14 at 12:30 pm! Please contact me if you have questions, tracy.friend@cosaction.com. I look forward to working with you all!
For Liberty!
Tracy L. Friend
WV State Director
Convention of States Action