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Convention of States!


North Carolina Municipal Elections Provide Opportunity for Grassroots Activism

Published in Blog on September 21, 2021 by Jeff Groh

The mission for Convention of States is to build the largest liberty-loving grassroots organization this country has ever seen, all to uphold American values and support our constitutional, republican form of government enshrined in our founding documents. 

We have over five million supporters across the country and more than 85,000 petition signers right here in North Carolina. That number is growing dramatically. 

The Article V effort to rein in an out-of-control federal government is a goal within that larger mission.

While an Article V Convention of States can solve some of this country's problems, it is not the entire story. We as citizens must get involved at the state and local level.

We encourage all volunteers to get involved with their local political party, to consider running for the school board or other elected positions, and generally to get engaged in grassroots activities. We must take action to restore our founding values to our institutions. 

Here in North Carolina--as is true across the country--municipal elections are vitally important but often ignored. Those elections in North Carolina are this November. Get educated. Learn who is running for city council or mayor in your town. Maybe work for a candidate. 

Electing good people who support the rule of law and U.S. Constitution at the municipal level is just as important as it is at the state and federal level. If we elect good people locally, they eventually replace those at the state and federal level who do not align with conservative, freedom-loving values. 

Case in point: I never paid attention to these elections in the past. Shame on me. However, I recently investigated the city council and mayoral race for the town I live in (Fletcher) and discovered I had to get involved.

You can get more information here on the municipal elections in North Carolina, and here is a list of candidates by county.

Not in North Carolina? Go to your state’s legislative website and find out what is happening where you live. 

Ignoring municipal elections is no longer an option if you want to save this country.

Jeff Groh resides in western North Carolina and is a small business owner. He is also a Regional Captain for the Convention of States Project, a non-partisan effort to rein in the expanding role of the federal government.

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