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NJ's First Convention of States Town Hall

Published in Blog on May 13, 2023 by Francesca Angela Nordin

New Jersey held its first Statewide Town Hall Meeting for Convention of States Action (COSA) on March 25. We gathered at the King of Kings Worship Center in Basking Ridge. Our NJ volunteers wish to extend sincere gratitude to Pastor Peter Roselle and his Pastoral Care Team who provided for us to gather at their beautiful church.
Our State Director, Chris Garzino was the emcee. Marilyn Colon opened our Town Hall Meeting. Carlo Nardone, State Legislative Liaison explained the status of our COSA Resolutions ACR70/SCR45 in our NJ Legislature. Jim Collinsworth, Co-State Director, spoke concerning our volunteer roles as well as all the activities we accomplish to educate the public and our NJ Legislators about the US Constitution's Article V provision to propose amendments for term limits, fiscal restraints and to restrain the scope and jurisdiction of the federal government.
A highlight right from the start was singing the Star Spangled Banner a Capella as led by Mary Buckley, one of our District Captains. Regional Captain Daniel Rodgers presented a Convention of States Patriot Pin to Bruce Nelson, one of our District Captains, to commend him for his six years of service in COSA NJ. 
Please know the very full program of our Town Hall that was supported behind the scenes by a faithful crew who oversaw all logistics. Additionally, a core team met online with Marilyn Colon, State Events Coordinator, for many months to secure a location, plan the registration, decorations, advertising, parking, safety at our event and the outreach to our supporters. 
 Robin Hoy, Francesca Nordin, Louis Alvarez and Bruce Nelson served as a panel for the middle portion of our Town Hall. SD Chris Garzino moderated a Q&A format with them that provided the audience with a comprehensive overview of why the panelists became engaged in the mission and continue in the work of COSA.  
To close the Town Hall we invited Bill Spadea, radio host and founder of Common Sense Club. This Club was formed in response to the Executive Orders and mandates of 2020-2022 that basically just did not make sense. Once he learned about the mission and Constitutional foundation for our work he became a supporter in calling for a Convention of States. We extend appreciation to Mr. Spadea for participating with us in our 1st NJ COSA Town Hall. 
There's some laudable goals with the Convention of States....
I'm with you because of the idea of bringing we the people back to say; let's take back control of Our Nation, Our Communities and Our State.
Bill Spadea March 25, 2023  
Our Town Hall had 135 Attendees. Visitors stated that they enjoyed the event. Many expressed a desire to continue to come to our meetings. New volunteers reported their understanding of the foundation for a COSA and of our mission was enhanced by attending. 
We rejoice with all who worked to make this event a success. Thank you. Special appreciation is given to State Videographer Don MacLeay who recorded our first NJ Town Hall. He prepared a compilation of the highlights from the event you can enjoy by clicking here: Convention of States NJ Town Hall 2023 w/Bill Spadea


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