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New Rallies Scheduled in the Open Up Kansas Movement

Published in Blog on April 27, 2020 by David P Schneider

May day! May day! Kansas is sinking fast under these stay at home orders! 

May day rallies are popping up after the wildly successful rally last week (Thursday, March 23rd) in Topeka. That rally boasted over a thousand of fed up Kansans in attendance. 

Looks like Johnson County and Wichita are set to host similar rallies on May Day (Friday, May 1st). Both events are set to kick off at noon.  You can find out more information by heading to the group that is planning these rallies at

Here is what we know:

Wichita Event (click on picture):

Olathe Event (click on picture):


* Convention of States is not a sponsor or organizer of these events!

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