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Convention of States!


Volunteer training meeting for COS Mid-New Castle County Delaware

Published in Blog on July 16, 2022 by John Campbell

Noah Webster's 1928 American Dictionary of the English Language included one word that Noah Webster himself coined:

DEMORALIZE, verb transitive – To corrupt or undermine the morals of; to destroy or lessen the effect of moral principles on; to render corrupt in morals.

To demoralize a nation means to remove its morals and by extension, to remove its opposition to that same agenda, implying (at least to me) that an amoral or immoral alternative is being forced upon us.

After all, why remove the old landmarks unless new ones are to be laid down?

The Antidote

Convention of States' Mid-New Castle County Delaware Chapter began volunteer training on July 18 with eleven in attendance. As I took in the beefed-up meeting content, I realized that the effect on me was anti-demoralization "cleansing," or antidote.

Being a "newbie" myself I had experienced only introductory meetings covering the goals of Convention of States and an overview of the Article V amendment process.

The volunteer training content was meatier than the introductory meetings, and although I learned enough in those intro meetings to want to be a part of Convention of States, the volunteer training had me thinking just how possible our victory is. 

We were treated to a brief PowerPoint on the Constitution's Commerce Clause of Article 1 Section 8, and how the 1942 Wickard v. Filburn decision turned it into a wax nose to fit any use the federal government desired.

Recent Victories 

As we have seen recently, the Supreme Court can fix its own mistakes and Congress', so we hold out the same hope for original intent to win, as such was recently rewarded in the rulings on Roe v. Wade, the Second Amendment, school prayer, and the Security and Exchange Commission's role in our economy. 

One goal of Convention of States is to rein Congress back into its constitutional corral, and an amendment to that effect would re-establish the limited intent like in the Commerce Clause, which is to regulate the shipping of goods among the states, with Indian tribes, and internationally.

Who knows how long it will take for the Supreme Court to undo the many other problems it has yet to address, many of which it created. Does anyone really expect Congress to actually change anything for the better?

Why Wait?

Convention of States was founded to act on these issues instead of waiting for relief from Supreme Court justices we have zero access to. 

In our meeting, we watched a segment of Constitution Alive! featuring Rick Green of Patriot Academy, filmed in the same room in Philadelphia's Independence Hall where the Constitution was debated and signed.

After the signing, Ben Franklin uttered his famous gallows humor: "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately." Rick Green also discussed the life of Nathan Hale, a patriot spy for the Army Rangers, who was, in fact, hanged for his efforts to secure our liberty.

Inspiration to Action

The advanced content of this meeting format was an inspiration to action. I am not being asked to sleep in the snow at Valley Forge, or being hanged for my service to my country. I am being asked by fellow patriots to spread information to our elected representatives and my friends and family. 

Patriots are asking you, dear reader, to do the same. Do not doubt that the massive effort to demoralize Americans into surrendering our freedoms and rights is a concerted effort, not a series of accidents.

Using Our Fathers' Tools

The only way to defeat a concerted effort is to mount one ourselves, and this is what Convention of States is all about. We must empower ourselves to reform our nation using the tools left to us by our Founding Fathers, including the Article V Convention of States.

As we gain insights into our founding documents, we must also familiarize ourselves with the sacrifices made on our behalf to make us a free people, under God, on this land. The excellent resources Convention of States provides, like the volunteer training meetings, is a great means to that end.

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