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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


New Jersey Rallies for Freedom

Published in Blog on March 10, 2022 by Elisa Best

On Saturday and Sunday, March 5 and 6, the New Jersey Convention of States (COS) set up booths at the New Jersey Convoy Rallies for Freedom. These events are part of a much larger idea that started with the Freedom Convoy in Canada. 

The purpose of these rallies is to promote the idea of freedom and let our government officials know we do not accept any more unconstitutional mandates. These events were nonpartisan, lawful, peaceful, family/child friendly, and attended by many people wanting to express these views. 

Special thanks to Jim Collinsworth, Murn Myers, and Rob Smithers who planned and facilitated these events. 

Each event had numerous speakers that included conservative talk show hosts, John Tabbaco and Bill Spadea, New Jersey state legislators, Michael Testa and Edward Durr, New Jersey state legislator candidates, Billy Prempeh and Phil Rizzo, and New Jersey Congressman Jeff Van Drew to name a few. 

Even before the rally, many people expressed their support for the truckers by hanging out at several overpasses as they were driving to each event. 

The people that came out to this event came out for many reasons. Some people came out because they are tired of the invasion of government in their lives, some were thinking of their children, many people just wanted to be among like-minded people.

But everyone that came out wanted to show love and respect for their country. Many parents wanted to teach their children that freedom is worth standing up for.  It was a time to put our discouragement aside and come together for the cause of freedom and liberty.

On March 5, the event was at the New Egypt Speedway in New Egypt, New Jersey, and was facilitated by Rob Smithers and Murn Myers. The COS volunteers that came out to support were Chris Garzino, Glenn Barone, Tara Fleming, Eric Williamson, Sheila Molloy, Tom Harding, Jeff Binder, Dawn Daniels, Jo Stante, Kelly Kennedy, Gary Lewis, AnnMarie Stanick, and Sue Gaul. 

We collected approximately 200 petition signatures with over 40 people signing up to be volunteers. 

On March 6, the event was at the Salem Fairgrounds in Salem, New Jersey. This event was facilitated by Jim Collinsworth. The COS volunteers that came out to support were Helene Macylaitis, Mary Bailey, John Turner, Dennis Burgeson, John and Jean Smith, Clem Horner, Don Hoblitzell, Tracy Grabiak, Rob Smithers, and Annette Rivera. 

We collected 153 petition signatures with over 10 people signing up to be volunteers. 

Many of the new petition signers were all in when they heard what we are working towards, term limits for federal officials, fiscal restraint, and federal overreach. These events introduced us to many new supporters and reinforced to many COS volunteers why we do what we do and why it is so important that we pass the COS Resolution in New Jersey. If you would like to join our cause, please volunteer. You will not regret it.

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