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Convention of States!


New executive order rescinds regulatory relief

Published in Blog on January 26, 2021 by Trevor Thomas Swanson

One of the first official actions of the current administration was to sign an executive order rescinding a host of executive orders initiated during the previous administration.

One of the orders rescinded was Executive Order 13371. This order indicated that, “It is the policy of the executive branch to be prudent and financially responsible in the expenditure of funds . . . for every one new regulation issued, at least two prior regulations be identified for elimination.”

What on earth has happened here? Why would a president rescind an order whose purpose is to alleviate the regulatory burden on people and businesses imposed by executive fiat?

Why should a president need to resort to an executive order to compel his own administration and bureaucracy to do so in the first place?

This action only magnifies the need for a Convention of States. The last administration was able to peel back regulation. It appears that not only is the current one willing to pile on plenty of new unlegislated rules, they may also seek to bring back some that were eliminated.

This is all the more reason to contact your state senators and state representatives to share your support for the Convention of States. Remind them that we ought to be governed by our Constitution and our laws, not by the rules of unelected officials in D.C.

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