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Nevada legislators openly and knowingly violated the Nevada Constitution

Published in Blog on July 16, 2017 by Tamara Colbert

By refusing the vote in favor of AJR 7, Nevada State Assembly Members violated their sworn constitutional duty to support an Article V Convention of the States.

RENO, NV, May 5 – Last month on April 9, several Nevada State Assembly Members of the Legislative Operations Committee violated the Nevada Constitution by voting against AJR 7, which requires state legislators to support and call for an Article V Convention of the States. In May, the Convention of States Project Nevada will run a full-page ad laying out the facts in the “Territorial Enterprise,” a new publication covering business and politics in the state of Nevada.

The significance of the advertisement is to inform voters in Nevada that seven legislators defied the Nevada Constitution. In 1996 and 1998, the voters of Nevada passed an amendment to the state constitution requiring the Nevada legislature to vote for an Article V resolution calling for a “Convention of the States” to limit the terms of Congressional members.

“By voting against AJR 7, Assembly Members Lynn Stewart, John Moore, Glenn Trowbridge, Elliot Anderson, Harvey Munford, James Ohrenschall, and Tyrone Thompson ignored the voters of Nevada and violated the state constitution,” stated Mark Meckler, President of Citizens of Self-Governance, co-founder of the Convention of States Project. “Votes have consequences and it’s time that the citizens of Nevada know how their legislators vote.”

The Convention of States Project says ‘thank-you’ to Assembly Members David Gardner, Shelly Shelton, Michele Fiore, and Erv Nelson who fulfilled their constitutional duty and supported the resolution. We will remind Nevada constituents in 2016 of the actions and inactions taken during this year’s Assembly.

About the Convention of States Project

The Convention of States Project is currently organized in all 50 states, including hundreds of thousands of volunteers, supporters and advocates committed to stopping the federal government’s abuse of power. Alaska, Florida, and Georgia passed our Article V resolution last year, and five state houses and three state senates have already passed it so far this year. For more information visit

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