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Nevada Counties Pass Resolutions to Stop Federal Overreach

Published in Blog on November 29, 2021 by Wyatt Arthur

Back in June, Elko and Lander Counties joined the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association to prevent federal overreach in Nevada. The story did not garner large scale attention at the time, but it is a massive step forward for Nevada. It shows local governments taking up the responsibility of stopping the federal government. 

The counties passed resolutions for lifetime memberships in the organization using donations instead of taxpayer dollars. The Elko County resolution states that

“any conduct contrary to the United States Constitution, Declaration of Independence, or the Bill of Rights will be dealt with as criminal activity.”

“We maintain that no agency established by the U.S. Congress can develop its own policies or regulations which supersede the Bill of Rights or the Constitution, nor does the executive branch have the power to make law, overturn law or set aside law.”

The group's founder Richard Mack even spoke at a celebration in Elko City. The CSPOA sees sheriffs as the final line of defense against government overreach. They stand against federal gun laws and COVID restrictions.

Even though the efforts may seem small it shows many Nevadans are tired of the federal government and local officials are finally willing to do something about it. This is very promising for the Convention of States movement in Nevada during the lead up to the 2022 session.

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