Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu minced no words describing his contempt for the United Nations, which he called a “house of darkness” and “swamp of anti-Semitic bile” in his speech at the U.N. General Assembly on Friday.
Proclaiming that Israel is “winning” the war in the Middle East and “yearns for peace,” he condemned “the lies and slanders” the U.N. has promoted against his country.
Contrasting a “future of hope” if Israel is allowed to win and work with neighboring Arab nations to form a land bridge between Europe and Asia with a “dark future of despair” if Iran is allowed to dominate the region, the prime minister urged the assembly to decide “which of these two… will shape our future?”
“Will it be the blessings of peace and prosperity for Israel, our Arab partners, and the rest of the world?” he asked. Or will it be the curse in which Iran and its proxies spread carnage and chaos everywhere?”
Pointing out that the war is more than just Israel’s problem, he cautioned that “Iran’s aggression, if… not checked, will endanger every single country in the Middle East and many, many countries in the rest of the world because Iran seeks to impose its radicalism well beyond the Middle East.”
Despite what Netanyahu portrayed as a clear moral choice between Israel and her enemies, the U.N. has, over the past decade, issued more resolutions “against Israel... than against the entire world combined,” he condemned.
“What hypocrisy, what a double standard, what a joke.”
“There should be no confusion about this," he continued. “But, unfortunately, there is — a lot of it. In many countries and in this very hall… good is portrayed as evil, and evil is portrayed as good…. The singling out of the one and only Jewish state continues to be a moral stain on the United Nations. It has made this once respectable institution contemptible in the eyes of decent people everywhere.”
“The torch of Israel will forever shine bright,” Netanyahu concluded his speech, once again pressing his audience to choose between the hope and courage of Israel and the darkness and moral cowardice of Iran and the United Nations.
By tearing into the U.N.’s pervasive false virtue, Netanyahu exposed the institution’s intrinsic self-delusion: even as the body boasts about promoting “peace, dignity, and equality on a healthy planet,” they refuse to confront the world’s most dangerous regimes.
If such an organization cannot distinguish between Israel’s right to defend herself and her enemies’ flagrant aggression, then it is indeed a house of darkness.
Watch the full speech below:
Netanyahu BLASTS U.N., ‘House of Darkness’
Published in Blog on September 27, 2024 by Jakob Fay