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Clarification to the 1st and 10th Amendments

Published in Blog on September 30, 2022 by LeRoy E Cossette

First Amendment (Amendment I) 
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Our Forefathers deemed the right to the freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom to assembly and freedom to protest so important to the new Republic that they made these God-given rights a part of the First Amendment to the Bill of Rights. God-given rights denied them under English rule.

Over the past two years, our federal government has openly abused and outrightly ignored this Amendment through loopholes, scare tactics, unconstitutional mandates, and unreasonable punishment. All to intimidate “We the People” from exercising our right to freedom of speech.

Over these past two years, “We the People” have had to endure the denial of our freedom to worship in Gods’ house. 

We are censored on most social media platforms from speaking freely against the pandemic, forced vaccines, wearing of masks, closure of our children’s schools and the closure of small business condemning many of these businesses to financial failure. 

In my opinion, information on COVID-19, the reliability and dangers of the vaccines, and the wisdom of school and business closures is being suppressed by major news outlets and media at the encouragement, request, or most likely, direction of the government.

Americans have been banned from speaking out the truth because the truth does not fit the socialist-communist narrative. 

Parents of school children who have spoken out at school boards questioning what their children are exposed to and taught are branded as domestic terrorist by the Department of Justice and targeted by the FBI. All for exercising their right to free speech and expression of thought.


Because they exercised their right to assemble and peaceably protest their grievances. 

It is my sincere hope that the Delegates to the coming Convention of States will have the foresight and wisdom to end any potential future manipulation or abuse of this Amendment for any political control, gain, or expediency. 

This addition should be included under the proposed Amendment restricting federal jurisdiction.  

Tenth Amendment (Amendment X) 

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

Compiling the depth and breath to which the federal government has blatantly violated this Amendment, also a part of the “Bill of Rights,” would cover pages. Therefore, I will provide several critical violations.

The Constitution allows the federal government “To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States.”

The federal government has manipulated and redefined that portion of this Amendment “general Welfare of the United States” to justify the expenditure of billions to trillions of dollars on purely social programs. 

Programs and entitlements which have driven our Republic to the edge of bankruptcy. Borrowed and owed to sworn enemies of our country, our Constitution, and our God-given way of life.

Read the above quoted words again. 

It does not say or imply “general welfare of the people” or “general welfare of the citizens” of the United States. Nor is there any documented evidence that the Founders intended it to mean the general welfare of the people or citizens of the United States.

“General Welfare of the United States” means exactly as written. Funding for the security of our borders, funding for the building and maintenance of the White House, the Capitol, congressional offices, and buildings for constitutionally approved federal Departments and agencies. 

For the maintenance of the ten square miles of land, half of which was ceased from Virginia and half from Maryland. Land strictly intended for the seat of the federal government. 

In my opinion, we all know what that land has turned into. A residential haven of far-left liberals and welfare recipients.

The building and maintenance of our federal interstate highways. Highways built for the primary purpose of the movement of military resources in time of war or attack on our shores. 

The use of these interstate highways, by the general public, is a byproduct of its primary intent which happens to benefit the general public. 

The maintenance of these highways has been direly neglected in order to funnel the billions of dollars required into unconstitutional social programs.

To establish Post Offices. Post Offices have become increasingly wasteful, inefficient, and now weaponized by progressives currently in power to spy on the citizens of this country.

Absolutely nowhere in the Constitution of the United States is the federal government given the power or authority to establish and maintain:

The Department of Justice; The Federal Bureau of Investigation; The Department of Education; The Department of Health and Human Services; Department of Veterans Affairs; Department of Energy; Department of Housing and Urban Development; Department of Labor; Department of Agriculture, Department of Interior, Environmental Protection Agency; Arts and Cultural Agency; Museum Agency; etc., etc., etc. 

The functions and missions of every single department and agency identified above as well as those not enumerated, constitutionally belong to the sovereign states of this Nation. 

The seizure of these responsibilities by the federal government has led to the manipulating and weaponizing of these departments against the sovereign states and the citizens thereof.

This Amendment, like the First Amendment, requires language placed into the newly proposed Amendment to restrict federal jurisdiction, requiring the federal government to return to the sovereign states the functions and responsibilities of these departments and agencies and restrict any future attempts at the confiscation of the constitutional responsibilities of the sovereign states.  

Again, it is my hope that the Delegates to the Convention of States will have the foresight and wisdom to add language to the proposed amendment to restrict federal jurisdiction so these power abuses can't continue. 

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