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Convention of States Nebraska has an active week at State Fair, gun show, and more!

Published in Blog on August 29, 2018 by Steven D Johnson

The Convention of States Nebraska team had an exciting week at the State Fair, McCook Gun Show, and training meetings. The fairgrounds was also the site for the presentation of the Thomas Jefferson Award to State Senator Steve Halloran.  

Mike Nicolen and his band "Better Daze" performed at the Nebraska State Fair on Monday, August 27. Mike provided commentary between songs and also assisted at the McCook Gun show. He is a District Captain for Legislative District 38. 

Mary Mladovich, State Grassroots Coordinator for COS Nebraska, was at the Nebraska State Fair booth and presented a patriotic gift bag to Judy Labrune. Margo Chenoweth-Pospisil, a District Captain and FUT member, donated the bag.

Deb Nourse, a volunteer, signed up new members at the McCook Gun Show as we continue to build support across the state for our historic movement.

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