Leftists and the mainstream media love to spread lies and misinformation about our amazing Constitution.
They claim the Constitution was illegally adopted by the Framers. They argue that the Constitution grants the federal government near-unlimited powers, and they say the Constitution is a "living, breathing" document that must change with the times.
The Constitution, they say, it outdated, outmoded, and intolerant. The Supreme Court must change it to "keep up with the times" so that we don't end up "on the wrong side of history."
As a result of these myths, the federal government has grown to an unmanageable size and self-governance is on the decline.
We're dedicated to giving our volunteers and supporters the truth about our founding document, which is why we're pleased to offer an engaging, informative, six-week course on the Constitution -- for free!
We've partnered with Rick Green and Patriot Academy to give you access to their amazing Constitution Alive! course. This course busts some of the most common myths about the Constitution and provides a fact-based foundation for understanding our founding document.
No gimmicks. No hidden fees or costs. All you have to do is click here to visit Patriot Academy's website and register to take the course.
The last time we offered this course, we had over 2,000 people sign up. Our goal this time, is to get 5,000 attendees and shatter the record for the largest constitutional training!
Leftists will never stop spreading lies about the Constitution. That's why we must be vigilant in our pursuit of the truth, and that's why you should sign up for Constitution Alive! today.
This six-week online course will meet virtually, starting on Oct 12th.