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Lifetime of Land Coveting

Published in Blog on March 06, 2025 by Angel Cushing

From Democrat to Republican to Democrat to Republican, the pendulum swings from one extreme to the other hoping for a change. The change never comes.

My name is Angel Cushing. I live in Kansas. While I recall previous presidents before Ronald Reagan, I was too young to understand or remember details of their policies.

I do remember that during Ronald Reagan's campaign, he sided with the Sagebrush Rebellion. Inventory lists authorized by the Organic Acts of the 1960s and 1970s allowed the federal parks to eminent domain private property. In exchange for abandoning the use of eminent domain, President Reagan tolerated lesser forms of coveting. That is when National Heritage Areas were created. And the perpetual conservation easement was birthed.


During the Administrations of George Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton, conservation easements and National Park expansion exploded. At the same time, I recall people older than I complaining about not being able to access areas of public lands that they had always considered their favorite place to vacation. Policy to close the public out of public areas had begun. There is not a better way to ensure government officials, employees and their friends would have private, exclusive experiences without the bother of the American citizen.

When George Bush Jr. was president, we were stationed in Alaska where federal encroachment onto state lands were constant. We were relocated to Texas where I befriended a few of the Cattleman whose families lost their property at the creation of Fort Hood for World War II. Their grazing rights on the Army Camp were property rights they owned but continually have to battle to use. From grazing shares given to the Dallas Cowboy's coach, the constant expansion of environmental protections, to the cattle theft and daily harassment; the landowners eventually formed an almost secret cattleman's association in hopes of creating a buffer between the grazing owners and the federal government.  

When Barack Obama became president green lining was used to regulate people off of their property. The most effective example I have seen is the Metropolitan Area planning and zoning allowed in the state of Kansas. To this day, most people who live in these areas in Kansas have no idea they have no representation in land use planning and zoning.  This scheme allows the city control of three miles beyond their city limits. The joint boards are made up of elected and appointed people, with a majority from the city, whose jurisdiction the people in the 3-mile area is denied voting in.
It is during this Administration that the old idea of making Emporia, Kansas an entrance to a National Park was put into action. Will Emporia survive the economic changes it endures while it waits for President Obama's Flint Hills Legacy Program to become a new National Park? Another industry is due to close taking 800 jobs with it. Meanwhile, the city is busy building more hotels in anticipation that people will want to visit the Flint Hills, on extremely windy days, in January.

During Donald Trump's first presidency, Emporia and Lyon County, Kansas tried to ban barbwire and electric fences. Along with other communities in the United States, regulatory takings have been marching along at a rapid pace because they have been incentivized with grant dollars.

And within days of Joe Biden's presidency, we were introduced to the 30x30 Land Grab. A bold plan to lock up 30% more of the United States' land and water by the year 2030.

Not even Donald Trump's second term in the White House can save us from the lucrative private trusts and organizations that are intent on making every American a tenant in their own home.

Continuing to do more of the same is not going to ensure my grandchildren will have affordable meat on their table. We must end the coveting of Private Property. Convention of States is the only way to end the coveting.

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