HJ 5 Progress Update--All Hands on Deck
HJ5 was heard in the Business & Labor Committee at 8 am on Friday, Jan 24.
In order for us to move forward, TWO committee members need to be persuaded to vote "YES" so that we can get to the full Montana House. Please take a moment and call these representatives, asking them to support HJ 5.
Rep. Nelly Nicol at 406-670-1745
Rep. Morgan Thiel at 406-480-6271
We need all hands on deck to demonstrate that Montanans support COS. Will you please help us get to our goal of changing them from "NO" to "YES"?
CLICK HERE to contact these representatives.
Representative Shane Klakken, District 37, introduced our application to call an Article V Convention to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government.
HJ5 was introduced January 15, 2025
General reception/message phone number for legislators and committees is 406-444-3064.
Now is a critical time to spread the word about the Convention of States Project in MT. A strong grassroots presence secured the victory in Nebraska, North Dakota, Utah and 16 other states. Montana will be no different.