Convention of States Action President Mark Meckler forwarded a Challenge Coin to COS Mississippi’s State Director Ron Scarbrough to be presented to one of our “best of the best."
It gives me great pleasure to be the one to personally present our team’s stellar Grassroots Coordinator--Linda Davis--with a coveted Convention of States Challenge Coin.
Linda has accepted multiple roles during her volunteer service with COS. She served first as a District Captain in House District 58, and her service in that role was exemplary.
She then agreed to take on the responsibilities of Regional Captain for the Capitol Region of Mississippi, which includes 23 districts in central Mississippi. That number has now been increased another 14 Districts in the Mississippi Delta.
“She has been, and is, an outstanding Regional Captain," said Scarbrough. "Other stripes on her sleeve are FUT Member and TelePatriot Volunteer. Linda is not afraid of work.”
“But it is for her work and productivity in her role as our SGC that I want to recognize her with this prestigious award. Linda was working as an RC when our seasoned veteran SGC Carol Cook stepped aside unexpectedly. To say that I panicked would not be an over-statement. I had only one team member who had demonstrated the potential to assume the SGC role, and that was Linda. But she was loaded with responsibility already! Did I dare ask her to take on more?"
"She saved me the struggle. She came and offered to take on the SGC role without my having to talk her into it. Linda had gained an appreciation of the importance of a team having a strong grassroots leader. She once again stepped up. Since that day she has pulled her weight for our state in many ways,” he said.
Linda gets the importance of data, so she is always careful to ensure that new supporters’ records are accurately completed. She is particularly attentive to the FUT. Her work there would rival that of any other volunteer from any state. Linda is a team player and a constant encouragement to her teammates.
“Perhaps in no other way has Linda distinguished herself as much as she did as the Event Coordinator for our gun show booth in August of 2020," Scarbrough remarked.
“This lady is a stickler for detail. With welcomed guidance from Hawaii State Director Mark White, she coordinated an event that resulted in 593 new petition signers, triple our previous best performance. This would not have happened without Linda’s leadership.
"I could go on and on, but I won’t. I will say that Linda Davis is deserving of the recognition that comes with a COS Challenge Coin. Speaking on behalf of all of the Mississippi team members, I so recommend!”