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Mississippi's Education Conundrum

Published in Blog on July 20, 2021 by Cassy Scott

The education systems, particularly Pre-K through Grade 12, have become a true battleground across our nation. The battle has been declared by parents over the ideologies introduced into both the curriculum (what is taught) and instructional methods (how it is taught) pushed by the National Educator’s Association and other such organizations. Between school closures, union overreach, and critical race theory, the presumed ‘safe place’ to send our nation’s children has become a battleground for their minds and many say for their souls.

Some citizens proclaim the schools to be indoctrination camps that spend more effort filling students’ minds with divisive and destructive rhetoric than it does to prepare our children to succeed in a global workforce. Whatever your take, the call to defend faith, family, and the country is making great strides destroys the fabric of our communities with exponential consequences.

It has also been suggested that the year-plus COVID-19 shutdown is an excuse for the federal government to move in after decades of educational grants that positioned them to take over yet more responsibilities of our state government.

Discerning which allegations are true, and which are propped up on fear to keep us in line for a regime change keeps us busy – and frustrated. Today, let’s look at financial support to educate Mississippi’s children.

Critical Race Theory

Jessie Watters reported 25 school districts in 12 states are teaching critical race theory. He implied this is an astronomical number of schools. However, to provide perspective, 2018 data reveals, there are 130,930 K-12 schools in the U.S. So, is the problem overstated by parents and right-leaning media? That’s for you to decide. But before you decide, look with me at some basic data from reliable sources on Mississippi’s education system. 

Federal Investment in State Education Systems

What is the federal government’s allocation for education in Mississippi? The total FY 2022 is estimated to be $2,259.594,070 (with a “T”). K-12 is estimated $487,677,114 (with an “M”) and higher education is estimated $1,771,916, 756. In Mississippi, a little over 42% of the funding for our educational institutions comes from the federal government.

There is a tremendous investment, but is it to help prepare the children to successfully compete in a global economy? Or is there something more sinister going on? First, let’s take a look at how much the federal government is investing in Mississippi’s K-12.

Now, let’s take a look at the Federal investment in predominantly young adults.


What is the pay-off for the federal government’s investment in state education? Some argue it is access to the minds and passions of America’s children, future voters. We will look at that more in Part 3 in the mid-August edition of Liberty Magnolia. Next time, we will look closer at critical race theory. In the meantime, I hope to hear from you about your thoughts about educational funding.

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