Every now and again, amidst the relentless barrage of negative headlines, we yearn for respite — a moment to switch off the television, stow away our phones, and liberate ourselves from the ceaseless whirlwind of online animosity and conjecture. And what more fitting occasion to seize this opportunity than on Easter Sunday?
Americans everywhere are losing hope. According to Fortune, “at least two-thirds of Americans believe that by 2050, America will become economically weaker, less important in the world, and more politically divided…. [N]early 80% of Americans do not expect life for their children’s generation to be better than it has been for their own generation.” This rapid plunge into despair has been relentless, all-encompassing, and utterly catastrophic.
And yet, for many Americans, faith stands out as the last remaining thread of hope. The essence of the Christian belief rests on the profound notion articulated by Thomas Fuller: “It's always darkest before the dawn.” The most hope-inspiring moment in all of history, the Resurrection of Jesus, followed one of the darkest, His brutal and (seemingly) untimely death. Easter trains us to see past the hopelessness of Friday — and to the hope of Sunday.
Therefore, we are happy to report — based on exclusive data from Rasmussen Reports — an impressive 73% of voters plan to celebrate Easter this year, while a staggering 83% say they believe that the man known to history as Jesus Christ actually existed and walked the earth.
As the world around us seems to descend into chaos, Americans everywhere are looking for answers. Amazingly, this has led many of them to the age-old Gospel of Jesus Christ. As we embark upon this Holy Week, may we fervently pray for the abundance of hope and the enduring message of Easter to permeate our lives. May each of us discover the solace and rejuvenation our weary souls so desperately crave.
Midweek Mood Check: Easter Sunday Detox
Published in Blog on March 27, 2024 by Jakob Fay