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Michigan team practices the principles Convention of States

Published in Blog on August 03, 2020 by William R Pacey

Over the past few weeks, a team of District Captains, a Veterans Coordinator, and other volunteers applied the lessons learned through Convention of States.

The team focused on a state senator who does not support COS. Volunteers made over 600 calls to petition signers in the district and asked them to contact the senator and urge her to support our resolution in Michigan.

The effort culminated in a conference call with the senator's chief of staff. The team was able to voice their opinion and address the concerns around COS.

While they realize that there is a slim chance of making headway with this particular senator, they were determined to make all of our voices heard.

This initiative has empowered the state team and encouraged grassroots work to continue the fight this country needs, which will only happen with engaged grassroots activists.

The lessons learned through COS University, Mark Meckler's teaching, and national team calls were all practiced this week. At times, we may lose sight of our primary mission of building an engaged army of self-governing activists as we focus on getting our resolution passed.

The team understands that this is a long-term fight, and we are in this for the long haul. Building the army will result in changes in Michigan and Washington with or without a resolution. 

Congratulations, team. You are on the right track.   

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