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Meet your new COS New York leaders

Published in Blog on February 10, 2021 by Silver Dreaming Wolf

Good day, patriots!

Your Convention of States New York Team would like to take a moment to proudly welcome our new leaders.

Mr. James Hipple (District 99) has accepted the position of State Grassroots Coordinator for COS New York. James has been with us for several years, diligently working to further the COS cause in his own district and many surrounding him. His efforts have not gone unnoticed, and we are proud to have him join the leadership team.

Mr. Thomas Hogan (District 91) has accepted the position of Regional Captain. Tom has been a great asset to our team from day one, conquering his district and helping out at events. He has earned his promotion readily.

Mr. Sebastien Porsenna (District 43) has accepted the position of Regional Captain. Sebastien is another go-getter. He has walked his neighborhood, spreading the word on Article V and our efforts to call the Convention. He has also taken time out to travel with us to many events where his personality shines as an ambassador for COS New York.

Mr. Thomas Williams (District 116) has accepted the position of Regional Captain. Thomas has single-handedly given us two new co-sponsors to our resolution. He works his magic with his representatives and his constituents. Thomas is the epitome of a volunteer in our organization!

Ms. Melissa Brown (District 100) has accepted the position of Regional Captain. Melissa joined us after hearing our State Director Lois Alimonti speak at a town hall meeting in Albany. She has taken her district by storm, reaching out to representatives and volunteers alike. Melissa has been nothing less than spectacular at keeping her district informed and ready to stand united for Article V!

Your COS New York Team is now stronger and bigger than ever before! The COS resolution has more support than ever. If you ever considered taking a position with COS, now is the time.

Please check out our open volunteer positions at Convention Of States Take Action and join the largest, most engaged grassroots organization in America, today.

Click here to get involved!
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