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Meet our Texas Educators Coalition Coordinator

Published in Blog Coalitions on November 14, 2017 by Sharon Correll

The Convention of States Texas team is excited about our new Educators Coalition and its coordinator, Melanie Kriewaldt-Roth. Melanie brings to the role a teaching background in charter and private schools as well as experience in developing on-line educational studies. The COS team has seen firsthand how her passion for America and the Constitution influences her students to become self-governing patriots.

Melanie with Gov. Abbott
Melanie, accompanied by her son Sam,
shakes hands with Gov. Greg Abbott

Melanie was born and raised in Texas, growing up in a large family where political discussions were the norm. Her university studies included both political science and architectural studies, resulting in a B.S. degree from UT-Austin. She worked in a variety of fields - engineering design, architectural design, business administration, and real estate investment - before taking a break from paid employment to focus on raising her two boys, Samuel and Jack.

The Sandy Hook shootings in 2012 served as the catalyst for Melanie's return to politics, and she worked with Rep. Jason Villaba in support of the School Marshall Bill. She also found inspiration from David Barton's organization, Wallbuilders, which influenced her to pursue certification as a teacher.

"I was shocked," she said, describing her reaction to a Wallbuilders brochure listing Scripture quotes referenced by the American Founders. "I had never been exposed to the Judeo-Christian history in America's founding!" It is rewarding to her to be able to incorporate Judeo-Christian principles into her classes on economics and government. "I know it's my calling - I believe so deeply in this subject and believe our children deserve the Truth. I feel like I have died and gone to teacher heaven."

As with many in the Article V movement, it was Mark Levin and his 2013 book The Liberty Amendments that introduced Melanie to the Convention of States Project. She began following the legislative effort, bringing one of her students to testify at a House hearing in 2015 and returning again in the 2017 session with several more young people.

Student Activists

Fourteen-year old Nathan Gossard (left), testifies before a legislative committee in 2015. Two years later, Melanie returns with Nathan, Cassie Lee, and Maria Aberra-Castro.

Her high-schoolers at Faith Academy are passing on their knowledge within school as well. After a six-week focus on the Constitution, the students took what they learned and made presentations to the 3rd, 4th and 6th graders.

Faith Academy students learn about the Constitution.

Melanie has created a series of bite-size videos about the Convention of States movement, called COS Minutes, which her sons helped her produce. In the video below, Melanie speaks to young Americans about the dangers of Congress's reckless spending and exorbitant debt and how they can be involved in the solution.

"I love this country," Melanie says. "It embodies everything I hold dear: Judeo-Christian values, freedom, industriousness, excellence, humility, compassion - and America is a good friend to all other freedom-loving people around the world that live under tyranny."

She also has glowing words for her fellow COS patriots, who she describes as "freedom-loving, well-educated, extremely-active supporters of a worthy cause...witty and relentlessly competitive in your efforts to pass legislation - that's my kind of people!"

Melanie has a passion to communicate the values enshrined in the Constitution to anyone with a listening ear. "The COS movement embodies that spirit because it is a grassroots effort bent on returning this nation and its people to self-governance."

SMU Young Americans for Freedom

Melanie meets with a chapter of the Young Americans for Freedom at SMU.

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