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to call for a

Convention of States!


Meet Julia Campbell

Published in Blog on April 07, 2021 by Kurt O'Keefe

My path to liberty began with a sprint in the opposite direction.

Like many others graduating high school in the early 2010s, I saw university as the only way forward. So I went to university and then to grad school, and I went hard, picking up a few degrees and many strands of far-left ideology.

But the thing with leftist orthodoxy is that it makes no sense. The professed beliefs are nebulous, contradictory, and self-destructive. The entire system implodes with the application of any amount of logic.

After the 2016 election propelled politics into every aspect of life, I had a choice to make: double down on my dogmatic leftism or start actually questioning my beliefs. I chose the latter, which turned me onto the path of personal responsibility, liberty, and patriotism.

One of the most stark realizations I had along my transformation was that I had been conditioned to be ashamed of my country.

I was taught awful things about our history and our culture. I was made to think that liberty, self-governance, and freedom for all were undesirable, and those outside leftist and elite circles (which, spoiler alert, are most Americans) needed to be "educated."

How condescending!

I believe Convention of States is a foil to that arrogant attitude. United Americans are rising up and saying "Enough!" to those that think themselves "educated."

The "educated" think they know better than the men who toiled for freedom and people who have defended the freedoms of all Americans since.

Those "educated" are the reason why the founders gave us Article V.

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