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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Meet Cyn Fisher and Discover the Citizen Resources to give you hope

Published in Blog on August 17, 2021 by Cyn Fisher

Cyn became a District Captain of HD75 (in Southwest Florida) in February of 2021. Using some initiative, she has become one of the best organized Districts in Florida. So many of us need hope, tools and resources to be an effective engaged citizen. Cyn says, "I'm continuously amazed at the plethora of information and helpful communication tools utilized by COS."

Communicating with supporters in our districts is key to the success of growing a self-governing grassroots team. For every person who signs the petition, there is the ability to incrementally reach 10 or more people in their networks. Cyn has a “southern gift to gab," rarely finding it difficult to strike up a conversation with most anyone. So once she felt well-versed in the concept of Article V and the 3-part platform, she found it easy to spread the word.

Cyn leads Meet Ups in her local area — started with a post on the Next Door app, where she also hosts a private COS group. She is also a member of numerous social media groups on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. In fact, Cyn states that her becoming fed up with all the negative ranting on social media led her to volunteer with COS. It felt like a way to take real action against the problems rather than being depressed by the apathy and inaction of the citizenry.

Recently Cyn was invited to share her enthusiasm on the national weekly Volunteer training call available on replay here.

If it is one thing YOU can do, Register and join the Weekly Volunteer Webinar.  It is 9PM eastern every Tuesday evening. Here is the Link to Register.

Cyn realizes not everyone finds talking to others about Convention of States easy. Making a phone call to a complete stranger can make the most confident of us a bit anxious. We are also more aware of and sensitive to the growing opposition to expressing our moral principles and values. But Cyn states that the Convention of States website, videos and courses provide each of us the required confidence in the soundness of America’s founding principles and the credibility and legality of the United States Constitution.

She admits that until she became familiar with COS, she truly didn’t know about Article V. And this is, in her opinion, the basis and most vital component of the COS mission. Information is power. As Americans, we all need to educate ourselves about our Constitution, and especially with Article V. The United States Constitution, created through a strong faith in God we Trust, is the Law of our country intended to guide its citizens and government. It has survived and remained relevant for over 245 years. With the knowledge of our rights and responsibilities we can become effective change-makers. Through speaking to others, we in turn, educate them to the power of this knowledge and we activate our God-given and constitutionally protected powers. 

One most important key, Cyn emphasizes, is “knowing the basics.” By that, she means, make sure you’ve put in the homework to understand the purpose and requirements of Article V for the calling of a Convention of States. The focused mission of the Convention of States project stands on 3 legs. In doing this you will be confident that a Convention of States is the most effective, legal method by which We, the People, can affect positive change in our country today with a return to our founding principles as written in the Constitution. With this validated confidence, it becomes no more difficult to talk about COS than to tell someone how to make your favorite apple pie recipe or how to install glass pipes on your muscle car. Remember, Cyn says, knowledge is power.

Take the Next Step...Discover how to become an engaged Citizen:

Learning the basics of Convention of States doesn’t take a lot of time and you don’t have to know every answer to every potential question. The COS website and the many learned volunteers of COS provide us with all the tools we need. Cyn’s homepage on her computer is the COS website, making it simple to watch a new video, take COSUniversity courses, read the blog daily and search through resources for answers to potential questions or opposition. Commitment to this new education makes is easy for the message of COS to become second-nature for you to speak easily about the COS message. It’s that simple.

Cyn has found a rhythm and created a habit in communicating with the supporters in her district. After sending them the National Welcome Letter, she verifies their profile information, then immediately sends them a text message to welcome them again and remind them to check their inbox to ensure COS emails are arriving in their inbox; we have confirmation that certain email servers are also now scouring information and COS emails have been found in spam folders.

Cyn says the follow-up text message serves as a two-fold action step: it ensures supporters are receiving COS emails and it provides you the opportunity to communicate directly with the supporter and ask them for a few minutes of their time to speak on the phone. Cyn feels this is a less obtrusive and polite way to introduce yourself and it gives them the option to pick a convenient time. She states that some folks will continue the conversation via the text message, some will give a 👍🏻, while some won’t respond at all, and then some will tell you a time they are available to talk. You’ve made that extra effort to reach them, you’ve broken the ice and potentially you know a bit more about them if/when you do get the opportunity to chat. If they respond to her text, Cyn asks if they have any questions about COS, she will invite them to the next Meet Up and she always inquires about whether they might have the time and be willing to assist in the local district. 

Communicating the COS message starts with each of us right where we are; with our neighbors, those with whom we do business, the folks with whom we play golf or tennis, etc. Americans right in our home towns need the hope that COS gives. If they’ve signed the petition, communicating with them can inspire and motivate them to take action. That action can help them create the ripple effect that moves the COS message even farther. And it can all start with a simple text message or a comment on social media. If they don’t want to be an official volunteer, Cyn asks them to simply forward their welcome letter to five people with a short note on why they signed the COS petition. Most of us spend a lot of time on our phones, tablets and laptops; we can make the most of that time and inspire action instead of simply scrolling and  “Liking” social media memes and articles. Convention of States Project is the hope so many Americans need now! Convention of States moved Cyn to action.

Take action now, share your petition URL with someone who could become the next COS change-maker. Or better yet — Be a part of the team and learn our tools and resources to save our country.

Click here to get involved!
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