The following excerpt was written by Convention of States President Mark Meckler and Staff Writer Jakob Fay and originally published on The Washington Times. Read the full article there.
“Western civilization is under assault,” conservatives have cautioned for the past several decades.
Today, that assault manifests itself most clearly in the war against Israel, led by Hamas in the Middle East and anti-Israel, pro-Palestine “allies” in the West.
Alarmingly, in light of this recent turn against Israel, the only true democracy in the Middle East, many of those same conservatives are now tempted to turn their backs on the Jewish state, citing vague overtures to the “America First,” isolationist mentality common in a post-neocon party.
SEE ALSO: Why there cannot be a ceasefire in Gaza
To be clear, we adamantly reject any characterization of us as war hawks; we are not eager to send our sons to die on foreign soil — both accusations regularly lobbed at pro-Israel advocates.
But to turn our backs on Israel is to give up on Western civilization. It is to give in to the forces that wish death upon the U.S., both ideologically and literally. It is, quite simply, to lose the war for our country.
This, of course, is in addition to the vicious, unadulterated antisemitism on the rise in the U.S. and abroad, accompanied by a chorus of calls to obliterate our longtime ally in the Middle East. Sadly, these threats do not seem to concern the purely self-motivated “America’s got its own problems” critics of Israel’s war against Nazi-level evil.
“America First Loyalist” commented “not my problem, just mind your own business and stop crying” in response to a post on X about Israelis who were raped, tortured and beheaded. “That’s an Israeli issue, we have enough of our own,” another user agreed.
But passivity in the face of such depravity is not only grossly callous but also stems from a failure to understand that the fates of these two bastions of liberty are inextricably linked.
Read the rest of the article on The Washington Times here.
MECKLER: To turn our back on Israel is to give up on Western civilization
Published in Blog on December 27, 2023 by Mark Meckler