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Convention of States!


Maui Teams Wave Signs for Freedom!

Published in Blog on January 08, 2022 by Lori Alana HI DC HD-10

Maui groups used signs to protest mandates in Hawaii.

On Tuesday, January 4, 2021, from 4:00-6:00pm, Scott Presler with members of the HRP along with Convention of States, members of HSTA and other community groups, joined together to raise awareness and garner support for a mandate free Hawaii and for reining in an over-reaching government.

With teachers among them, people waved signs and expressed concern for lack of available free testing sites and even a lack of store-bought tests while the DOE simultaneously demands (unavailable) testing or non-FDA approved vaccination in order to retain the right to report to schools.


An Article 5 Convention of States caught the interest of many attendees at this sign-waving event. Alliances are starting to be made as common ground unites all Americans who want to preserve our hard won freedoms. 

Attendees I spoke to at the event hold the view that making EUA vaccinations or EUA boosters mandatory for children as unconscionable. Droves of teachers, state workers and restaurant employees have shown up for free test 'giveaways,' such as the one advertised at the Lahaina Aquatic Center, only to be turned away minutes before the handout was scheduled to begin with the explanation that they "ran out of tests." Is this yet another ploy to coerce more people to comply to the one narrative agenda? 

Lively music was provided by DJ Scott Adams. The spirit at the event was strong and upbeat as feedback from passing vehicles was overwhelmingly positive. People are ready for a change in Hawaii.     

A milestone seems to have been reached as more and more people in our community are ostensibly getting tired of mandates and a Blue State Lockdown mentality. 


Creating a brighter narrative, attendees discussed the rights to our freedoms, the right to  propose and ratify amendments through Article 5, and signed the petition. Some new signers even agreed to become more involved with COS.

You can become more involved with Convention of States Hawaii and defending our freedoms by clicking here to volunteer.

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