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MARK MECKLER: President Biden Has No Qualms About Overstepping

Published in Blog on June 24, 2024 by Mark Meckler

The following excerpt was written by Mark Meckler and originally published on The Daily Caller. Click here to read the entire article there!

President Joe Biden recognizes no limit to his power. Whenever confronted with a constitutional boundary or check on his ability to implement his far-left agenda, he simply tramples it, treading the supreme law of the land underfoot.

On Tuesday, for example, the president announced a sweeping bid to grant citizenship to half a million illegal aliens already living in the United States—despite having zero constitutional authority to do so. Laughably, he dubbed his plan an “immigration relief” policy.

Amazingly, he did not even attempt to hide the fact that he is enacting the radical measure sans legislative approval.

“The first bill I introduced when I was president—an immigration bill that included this provision, but it never got off the ground,” Biden confessed within seconds of taking the mic at the White House on Tuesday. “It needed a little more help. But now, today, a significant portion of it is being passed–or,” he corrected himself, “being [enacted] by executive order.”

Meanwhile, Biden continues to lie through his teeth about the crisis on the border. “Over the past three years, while Congress has failed to act, the President has acted to secure our border,” the White House pretended in a press release. “President Biden believes we must secure our border.”

Of course, anyone who’s been paying attention knows Biden is gaslighting us. In reality, as NPR reported on January 21, 2021, “The newly inaugurated Biden administration wasted no time in taking two major steps to dismantle much-criticized Trump-era immigration policies in its first day in office.” These included suspending deportations and ending his predecessor’s signature “Remain In Mexico” policy within 24 hours of taking office. It marked the inception of an abysmal immigration track record, one which boasts of admitting over 10 million illegal aliens in less than four years.

But now, with an election around the corner and his immigration stance dragging on his popularity (recent polling reveals 64% of registered voters disapprove of the way the administration is handling immigration), Biden is seeking to whitewash the record. But he cannot have his cake and eat it too. He cannot claim to want to “secure our border” and incentivize illegal immigration with an easier path to amnesty at the same time.

What Biden really wants, of course, is votes. Even as he caters to those who hold him responsible for the border crisis, he attempts to buy votes from another demographic by offering citizenship to hundreds of thousands of illegal border crossers, hoping they will vote for him in the upcoming election. But perceptive Americans will see through the ruse.

Biden is recklessly wielding unconstitutional power via a magic wand, granting voters cool, shiny prizes. And as Rush Limbaugh famously observed, “It’s hard to beat Santa Claus.” But what is the cost?

Voters are naturally attracted to candidates who promise them everything they want—right now, no strings attached. But those are exactly the kind of promises aspiring tyrants make.

Read the rest of the article here!

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