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Mark Meckler addresses legislators in Oklahoma City

Published in Blog on February 21, 2020 by Susie McCleskey

We were honored to have Mark Meckler visit Oklahoma City on February 11 to address the legislature regarding SJR41 and to visit with Convention of States volunteers. He was joined by his wife Patty and our Regional Director Rodney Huckleberry.

In 2016 Oklahoma became the seventh state to pass the Convention of States resolution, but because we have term limits in our state, we have 100 new state representatives and state senators.

Our original resolution had a sunset clause, and SJR41 is a measure before the Rules Committee that would extend the expiration date. Mark explained the importance of the Rules Committee’s hearing to remove the sunset clause and move the amended bill to a vote in the Oklahoma Senate.

We had a great showing, and many new supporters came on board. Fifteen volunteers canvased the halls and passed out Pocket Guides and letters to each legislator.

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