Two weeks ago we announced a COS Letters to the Editor writing competition, and we have been absolutely blown away by the response. Now, with less than one week remaining, consider this your friendly reminder to submit your letter!
Letters to the editor offer a powerful avenue to connect with audiences who may never have encountered Article V in their history classes. And who better to educate the masses about this important constitutional tool than you — the grassroots.
The COS grassroots tell everyone about Convention of States. And I mean everyone. Family, friends, co-workers, fellow church congregants, waiters and waitresses, furniture salespeople, veterinary acupuncturists, that aspiring puppeteer you met down in Pigeon Forge (yes, especially that guy). The point is that our activists have perfected the art of influencing people from all walks of life with the message and hope of Convention of States.
And that’s why we're urging you to channel all of your messaging, writing, and persuasive prowess into this important endeavor.
But maybe you’re new to the organization and you haven’t perfected those skills yet. Not to worry. You still bring something unique to the table — your perspective. Your story is one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal, and you can use it to inspire millions. Seriously.
So, whether you’re new to this or a seasoned pro, we encourage you to grab a pen and paper and begin crafting your letter. You can find the competition rules here. And submit an entry here.
We’re thrilled to read what you write! (Remember, the deadline is April 24!)
Major update about COS Letters to the Editor writing competition
Published in Blog on April 18, 2024 by Jakob Fay