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Mainstream Press No More Genuine Than Joe

Published in Blog on October 13, 2022 by John Campbell

Speaking at the dedication of a new national park in Camp Hale, CO Joe Biden had this to say: “I say this as a father of a man [that] won the Bronze Star, the Conspicuous Service Medal, and lost his life in Iraq.” 

I have no reason to doubt that Major Joseph Robinette "Beau" Biden III was a fine family man who served his state and country honorably. He won medals from both his state and nation, including a posthumous Legion of Merit mentioned on his Wikipedia page. 

"Biden was awarded the Bronze Star Medal for his service in Iraq. Army Chief of Staff Raymond Odierno delivered the eulogy at Biden's funeral and presented a posthumous Legion of Merit for his service in the Delaware National Guard, stating 'Beau Biden possessed the traits I have witnessed in only the greatest leaders.' He was also posthumously presented with the Delaware Conspicuous Service Cross, which is 'awarded for heroism, meritorious service and outstanding achievement.'"

Had Beau been killed in action you can be sure that Gen. Odierno would have mentioned it. In fact, he died tragically young of Glioblastoma as noted on his Wikipedia page. 

How could Joe Biden have made this mistake? We have few options to explain this behavior and they include these two: either Joe Biden is hopelessly demented or he is not the real Joe Biden. Take your pick. In neither case should he be President of the United States.

Is doubting that today's Joe Biden is the real Joe Biden too silly to contemplate? Fine, then please explain the notion that a mentally competent man could forget the circumstances of his son's death. 

Also, someone please explain why the mainstream press would not have jumped on the Camp Hale speech's false claim. There are options, including A. they forgot about it, B. they never heard it, and C. they are covering it up. 

What if, during post game interviews, a reporter asked the players who won the game, or which team they were on? Anyone paying attention might start wondering about his capacity to do his job because these are things that he should not be making mistakes about. 

If a majority of the mainstream press actually covered Joe Biden instead of conforming to narratives assigned by their superiors, our nation's political health might improve immeasurably. One wishes that this would be tried for a while, to see if there might be salutary results.

Here's an example of a decent article from a mainstream press outlet actually detailing some of Biden's many lies - or demented recollections of things that didn't happen, as the case may be.

"President Joe Biden keeps telling lies. He just told a New Hampshire crowd of 'having had a house burn down with my wife in it — she got out safely, God willing.' In fact, the Associated Press reports, it was a minor kitchen fire, with no damage visible from outside.

"He’s overblown the incident in the past, albeit not as much. Nor can he stop talking about a chat with an Amtrak conductor in his seventh year as vice president, when the guy retired 15 years before Biden became veep and had died by the year of the tale.

"Biden claims he was offered a job by an Idaho lumber company; they have no record. He claims he 'used to drive' an 18-wheeler — it didn’t happen. He’s said he visited Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue after the 2018 massacre, speaking to the rabbi, when the synagogue says he’s never even been there."

It took me one search using to find this, and it was not the sole result. 

Something is obviously up with Joe Biden, it's just that not everyone reporting the news these days wants you to know it. These are relatively trivial things compared to his lies about the economy, Ukraine, "MAGA Republicans" being "domestic extremists" who actually set the GOP agenda, and so on and on.

Finally, if your curiosity is sufficiently aroused, search for pictures of Scranton Joe when he was VP, and compare them to photos of him since becoming president. Apparently the mainstream press is unaware of the massive plastic surgery he endured to change every aspect of his facial appearance including the size and shape of his skull, his ears, his teeth, and eye color(s).

Perhaps the explanation is that the mainstream press is simply no more genuine than Joe.


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