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Lone Star volunteers show up at Leadership Summit

Published in Blog on September 01, 2019 by Sharon Correll

Over 20 Convention of States Texas volunteers represented the Lone Star State at the COS Leadership Summit held in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, August 22-25.

The event brought patriots from all 50 states to strategize, receive training, and be inspired by national leaders and public figures.

The highlight of the weekend was the Saturday evening banquet featuring author and radio host Mark Levin, whose 2013 book The Liberty Amendments catapulted the COS movement into the public eye.

Michelle Davis
Michelle Davis poses with her Challenge Coin,
along with Regional Director Rodney Huckleberry
and COS President Mark Meckler

The banquet was also an opportunity to present many COS volunteers with the coveted Challenge Coin award, including one of Texas’s own patriots, Regional Captain Michelle Davis of League City.

Some newly-created awards were presented as well. Amy Frederick of Ohio was recognized as Volunteer of the Year for 2019, the Mississippi team (who saw their COS resolution passed in March) was named State of the Year, and Senior Advisor Dr. Tom Coburn was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award.

Some of the Texas team enjoys dinner
at a local restaurant.

For Texas Legislative Liaison Michael Deffendall, the highlight of the weekend was Mark Levin’s speech.

“‘The Great One’ said it was up to us to save the country. No pressure. But I know that we can do it.”

John Drosche, Regional Captain from Wharton, also mentioned Mark Levin’s address as a highlight. But he felt the greatest impact came from “being with so many other Patriots that just want to make this country better. We met and ate and enjoyed time with people from California to New Jersey.”

Brent Dunklau of Rockwall agreed.

“It was like a big family reunion," he said. "Many of the people I met there I had actually known for years.”

The Summit was a great opportunity for the Texas team to connect with each other and with patriots from across the nation.

New Braunfels District Captain Al Torres regretted not be able attend and was especially appreciative of the efforts made to record the speakers and help the patriots back home participate remotely. You too can catch all the plenary addresses via videos on our website.

Sharon Correll
Sharon Correll, Texas 
State Communications
Coordinator, helps
lead worship at the 
Sunday morning service.

One of the special benefits of holding the event in Colonial Williamsburg was the opportunity to bring Founding Fathers (in the form of historical interpreters) to present their views on the American Experiment: George Washington, James Madison, and Thomas Jefferson.

“Hearing the Founding Fathers speak was something that touched me deeply and re-ignited profound feelings as to why I am doing what I am doing,” says Michelle Davis.

She found herself even more energized after the event.

“I definitely have found a refined message to potential volunteers and supporters in hopes to get them as amped-up and psyched as I am about self-governance and engagement,” Davis said.

Mike Cassidy, State Information Analyst, summed up the weekend well.

“It’s now up to us to continue the fight and reclaim our liberty for this and future generations," he said. "The urgency of our mission becomes clearer every day.”

It is the hope of the national staff to make the Leadership Summit an annual event. We're optimistic that next year's Summit may be closer to home!

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