Constitution Day is September 17th. Here is a quick look at our Constitution:
Americans across party lines feel that our system of checks and balances has become dysfunctional, with unelected bureaucrats and lobbyists wielding too much power.
A U.S. President can be elected for two terms, totaling eight years in the Oval Office. However, more than 60 members of the House and Senate have been in office for at least 24 years, some for as many as 40 years!
Do these lengthy terms in office make any sense? Americans are tired of government overreach, a soaring national debt, and politicians who enrich themselves during their long careers in office.
More than three million Americans now support a Convention of States to reorganize the power structure in Washington, D.C., and preserve liberty.
The public is invited to a free nonpartisan presentation about the Convention of States on Monday, September 10th, in Escondido, CA. Everyone in attendance will receive Convention of States handouts and current progress report.
WHO: Lou Oberman & Fred Yerrick – COS District Captains, San Diego County Regional Leadership Team and Military Veterans
WHAT: Convention of States – “Article V & We the People”!
DATE: Monday, September 10th, 2018
TIME: 5:00 to 6:00 PM- Purchase your great food and meet Fellow Patriots!
6:00 to 7:00 PM - Convention of States presentation
WHERE: Mike's BBQ, 1356 W Valley Pkwy, Escondido, CA 92029
Article V of the United States Constitution empowers the states to call a convention to propose amendments. The Convention of States resolution is limited to reining in federal government, imposing fiscal restraints, and setting term limits for Congress and federal officials, such as judges.
To learn more, please browse our website at You can also contact Fred Yerrick at 858-722-3841 of
Let's use our Constitution to save our constitutional republic
Published in Blog on August 19, 2018 by Fredrick Jay Yerrick