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Leaked Joint FBI/DHS Bulletin Confirms Patriots In Crosshairs

Published in Blog on August 23, 2022 by John Campbell

Project Veritas has released a Joint Intelligence Bulletin of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Homeland Security leaked by an apparent patriot.

This bulletin describes who DHS and FBI consider a “domestic violent extremist.” You may be surprised by the criteria, but maybe not. For one thing, anyone complaining about “government overreach and election fraud” is a potential domestic violent extremist. I’m sure that by that calculus we all know one.

The DHS complains about “threats” made against government agencies since the FBI raid on Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence. We’ll have to take their word on that. The FBI was supposedly searching for evidence of crimes committed by the former POTUS. He is suspected of having classified materials in his possession like other former presidents, and is even being investigated for espionage.

The Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 is cited in the bulletin as an example of domestic violent extremism. Ironically however, there are so many questions remaining about the FBI's investigation of that bombing, including their apparent foreknowledge as described in the previous link. 

There’s unintentional humor in a bullet point on page 4 of the joint bulletin in a list of warning signs for domestic violent extremists. Be on the lookout for people “Communicating directly with, or seeking to develop a relationship with, violent extremists - or being contacted directly by them - for suspected criminal purposes.”

A jury recently found that the FBI entrapped the fools they conscripted to kidnap Michigan Governor Whitman. That is, the putative plotters were “contacted directly by” the FBI and organized into a team dedicated to kidnapping a sitting governor.

Two of the dupes involved in the plot were recently convicted in their retrial. Without FBI involvement there would have been no kidnapping plot, and no headlines about domestic violent extremists.

In the Crosshairs

The FBI/DHS bulletin places people who complain about government overreach and the 2020 election fraud in the crosshairs, as if these two things are evidence of wrongdoing. Because of the size and scope of the election fraud, this bulletin is clearly alleging that the majority of the population – Trump voters – are to be suspected by fellow citizens of being potential terrorists.

Do you have a Betsy Ross flag? A Gadsden Flag? Are you a vocal 2nd Amendment supporter? Then check out the FBI's "Domestic Terrorism Symbols Guide" to find out if you are a domestic violent extremist.  

The FBI crew that conducted the Mar-a-Lago raid was already under investigation by federal prosecutor John Durham for potential corruption. There are plenty more examples of questionable behavior on the part of the FBI, but you get the idea. 

Constitutional Scope and Authority

Convention of States has recently called for the FBI to be disbanded. The FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago was the last straw – after Waco, Ruby Ridge, January 6, the Russia Hoax, and many other attacks on US citizens.

The FBI & DHS's concerns about government overreach complainers is in itself government overreach. Congress has oversight of these agencies, but where’s the outcry on Capitol Hill? Congress doesn’t want to rein in these rogue agencies or it would have. But we can.

Convention of States, which denounces all illegal violence, property destruction, and bad behavior in general, aims to amend the Constitution under Article V rules (bypassing our corrupt Congress) to return our federal government to its constitutional scope and authority.

Our Founders, in their wisdom, included the Article V amendment process to amend the Constitution just in case we ever ended up with the kind of Congress we have now.

We aim to provide for term limits for Congress and other government officials, making forty-year tenures in Congress a thing of the past. We are calling for constitutional limits on federal jurisdiction and authority to be obeyed at long last. We invite you to help.

Research Convention of States. Click around on this website and learn about us. Learn how problems you may be concerned with could be solved by an Article V Convention to amend the Constitution - not to rewrite the Constitution, but to amend it according to the wisdom of James Madison and George Mason.

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