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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


A Nimble Response Brought Activity and Results

Published in Blog on August 01, 2021 by Susan Peters

Kalen wasted no time contacting State Director Tony Isabel. She told him there was an opportunity to spread the word about the Convention of States resolution in Providence that very afternoon. Would it be possible to gather some of the team together, pass out literature and talk with those in attendance about Convention of States?

That afternoon Kalen and Tony, along with Content Writers Shelly Grimaldi and Rene’ Barrett, made their way to Roger Williams Park where the Arise USA rally was being held. Wearing COS buttons to help promote the message, they spread out among the crowd of people to distribute flyers and answer questions about our movement. 

People took the information gladly and a number of them engaged in conversation. From “What kind of success has COS had so far?” to “What can we do to help in Rhode Island?”, the team helped individuals understand that the Constitution articulates a way for we the people to exercise the authority we have.

From the gathering of fifty or so at the Arise USA rally, three have already signed the petition, and one of them has volunteered to help. That’s a good response in Rhode Island for an event that went from conception to completion in less than eight hours!

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Convention of states action

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