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Keyser Group Meets Monthly. Please Join Us!!

Published in Blog on February 04, 2022 by Norman Launi

District Captains Norm Launi and Kelly Kelley held the regular monthly meeting for Leg. Districts 54, 56 & 57 on Monday, Jan 31. Excellent turnout with 29 attending, 7 of them for the first time. Meeting opened with Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer. For the newcomers, Launi quickly reviewed what our mission was. Some of the business discussed was:

- Report on Wisconsin and Nebraska passing the resolution

- Replies received from the letters sent to the WV Legislators at the teams last meeting in December

- Status of our bill, HCR 31 & info on how to track it’s progress

- Visit to Charleston by Rick Santorum this week, Kelley is planning on going down & offered rides to anyone else wanting to go

Launi asked all attendees to become TelePatriots and that he would be emailing info on how to do this. He also asked all to contact Sen. Manchin and thank him for standing up for us West Virginia citizens against the reckless spending being proposed in Congress.

Meeting ended with Launi urging all at the meeting to continue letting people know about COS and getting other friends and family to get active and join in our group. The next meeting is Feb. 21, at 7PM. For more information or any questions, call Norm at 304-813-6563.

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