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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Karla Pendleton, Grassroots Warrior

Published in Blog on June 27, 2024 by Vivian Garcia

In March of 2017, Convention of States gained an incredible volunteer in Colorado. She has led the way for many volunteers and she has mentored State Directors and other leaders (including me). She has a gentle and kind demeanor and has acquired so much experience and information that it is such a blessing to have her as a resource...and trust me, we always need her as a resource!

Laura Neimeister, Karla Pendleton and Deanna Becket

Karla Pendleton has made COS Colorado proud as our newest Challenge Coin recipient! On June 21st, our Regional Director, Deanna Becket, flew in from the East Coast and teamed up with State Director Laura Neimeister (also an amazing Challenge Coin recipient) and organized a volunteer gathering in Castle Rock. 

The Challenge Coin isn't an idea that started with Convention of States. When you have some time, look up some interesting history about challenge coins online. Search challenge coins in Ancient Rome. They were given to soldiers after surviving and conquering in a long day at battle. They're still given out in our military branches. They are literally a beautifully-designed token of appreciation.

Mark Meckler and the Convention of States National Team created and designed the COS Challenge Coin as the highest honor given out to volunteers. With this in mind, Karla represents a soldier in our grassroots army who has come from another day of battle, full of life and supporting the rest of us to resist the discouragement of the enemy.

In the peaceful world of Convention of States Action, half the battle is educating citizens about their stewardship over their own nation and informing them that they've been equipped to rule all along. The other half of the battle is taking ownership and responsibility to act upon the solution. The efforts of Convention of States is not like a beautifully constructed pattern of dominoes already lined up and standing. People get frustrated that we can't just simply tap a domino and the entire spectacle unveils itself into a quick and stunning completion.

In our story, the dominoes are buried all over the yard. Big government is burying them and we must actively dig them out, clean them, construct the design ourselves, balance and allign them and to add to it all, fix all of our own mistakes.

Karla is actively pursuing a Convention of States but more importantly, she is actively taking responsibility for both the effort and the outcome. She is patiently and seasonally using her experience to maintain and grow Colorado grassroots and her inward strength encourages all of us to keep digging, organizing, building, and above all else, to keep praying.

Karla is the State Grassroots Coordinator, a TelePatriot Administrator, she's a State Information Analyst, and she's part of the Prayer Warrior Team. She leads meetings, organizes petition and volunteer followup, escalates technical problems to national support, trains, onboards new volunteers, solves problems and she is our State Director's right hand woman.

We miss her when she can't attend meetings, we have her number on speed dial and if I need a virtual hug because I messed something up, I only need to give her a call and I'll feel better.

I thought two things when I discovered she was getting the Challenge Coin. Firstly was 'Uh yeah...of course' and secondly 'Congratulations, Karla! Well deserved!'

Also, congratulations to Legislative Liaison Team Member, Mike Forbis, who was awarded a Patriot Pin on the same day. He organized and led volunteers around Colorado to testify before committee at the State Capitol in April. He is a great example of a grassroots warrior and the future of Convention of States in Colorado!

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