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Convention of States!


July 4th is Independence Day

Published in Blog on July 01, 2020 by Thomas Ward

July 4th is not just an extended weekend filled with barbecues, partying, and fun. It is Independence Day.

Let us not forget that.

This is the anniversary of the day the American colonies formally declared their independence from the tyranny of the British empire. It is because of this day and the ensuing wars that we are free people.

I realize a few others have or will write about this very same topic and may even mention some of the same things. But the more of us that speak up, the more this notion may spread that it’s okay to be patriotic.

It’s okay to love your country.

I think the problem is that the phrase "a more perfect union" is being interpreted to mean the USA is perfect. Nothing man has made in this world has ever been perfect, nor will anything ever be perfect.

The phrase "more perfect" meant better. That’s it. The Founding Fathers were making a better union than what we had before. They were getting us out of tyranny and instituting a free government for the people.

True. They had to make compromises to get a better situation for the whole of the people of this great nation. And succeeding generations improved things, as was intended.

Are we trying to improve things? Are we even trying to maintain the freedoms that we have, or are supposed to have?

How long will we have independence to celebrate? The answer is up to you.

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