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Join the Challenge: Read & Discuss the Constitution With Us

Published in Blog on September 19, 2024 by Robin Riddell


When was the last time you read the Constitution? 

What are the “laws of the land” and the “threats to our democracy”?

Constitutional literacy is on the decline in our nation and the consequences are far-reaching. When our citizens – and some of our leaders – are unfamiliar with the Constitution, the result is the kind of dysfunction you see in Washington, D.C. today.


Tuesday, September 24th at 7:30 PM we are kicking off 5 weekly discussions on the Constitution live on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. The reading content will be broken into segments for pre-reading.

Here is the schedule:

September 24 – Preamble & Article I

October 1 – Articles 2 & 3

October 8 – Articles 4-7

October 15 – Amendments 1- 10 (Bill of Rights)

October 27 – Amendments 11 - 27


Join us from the comfort of your home. Invite your friends. Invite your neighbors. Invite your family.

The discussion will be live on these social media channels!




There is no charge to attend. To get started, you can download a PDF version of the Constitution HERE.



Exiting the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin was asked, “What kind of country do we have?” His brief and thoughtful response resonates in 2024, “A republic if you can keep it.”

Today, we are in a fight for our freedoms! To maintain our democratic republic, we are absolutely dependent upon the informed involvement of the people.

Join us on Tuesday evenings starting September 24th at 7:30 PM for an informative and lively discussion. You do not have to attend all sessions. Participate as you can.

Click here to get involved!
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