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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Join COSA TelePatriot

Published in Blog on May 17, 2024 by Julie Baker

Thank you for your continued support of Convention of States.  You have previously expressed an interest in volunteering and now is the perfect time.

We need more people to join our TelePatriot team

You can make a HUGE difference from the comfort of your living room. 

Our TelePatriot team makes phone calls to COS supporters and other like minded citizens for efforts such as get out the vote, calls to action at the Capitol, events etc. 

We have successfully influenced elections including playing a role in getting anti CRT school board members elected! 

You can be involved at the State and National level.

If you have a mobile phone it's all you need to get started.  

You can work at your own pace - when ever the time suits your schedule.


Please email Julie to find out more at


We Have A Country To Save - Let's Get To Work!




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